Wish I'd Posted This Tweet…

My pal, mystery novelist Lee Goldberg, posted this on Twitter…

Let me get this straight. Trained, armed, law enforcement officers were afraid to go into the school & confront a shooter who is armed w/a AR-15…but the GOP's answer is to have a third grade teacher, armed w/a handgun, to take him on instead. Are they insane!?

I dunno…supposing the Gun Lobby had all their fire power pointed at your head and your life depended on coming up with an answer to the question, "How do we stop school shootings?" that wouldn't displease them. Could you come up with anything better? Maybe something about mental health programs which you're not going to vote for either?

My third grade teacher was a lady who was very good at teaching but she couldn't write on the blackboard without making the chalk squeal and/or break. Imagine Edith Bunker gripping a .357 Magnum, trying to take down a crazed man clad in body armor and wielding two AR-15-style rifles. Somehow, it doesn't sound like a Dirty Harry moment to me. Not even if you replaced Edith with Clint Eastwood.