This Week's Political Comment

Longtime readers of this blog can probably guess how I feel about the impending prospect of Roe v. Wade being overturned along with some other possibilities from the Far-Right Wish List. I'm not writing about it because I don't think I have anything to say that isn't being said (and said better) by countless others. If and when I do, you'll see it here.

Please don't think that if I don't write about something here, I don't care about it. That goes especially when someone notable dies and I don't write about them. I just might not have anything to say that I think is worth saying. Goodness knows I post enough that isn't worth my time to write or your time to read.

In other news: Currently, I have 4,823 "friends" on Facebook and over a thousand requests. But I can only occasionally add anyone because Facebook sometimes thinks I've already hit the 5,000 "friend" limit and won't let me. I'm not snubbing anyone. Honest.