Friday Morning

Sorry for the sparseness of posts the last few days. I've had more important things to do. "More important than blogging?" "Yes, amazingly, some things are." The sparseness may continue through the weekend.

I'm wondering aloud if Comedy Central or someone is considering staging a big, two-hour (or longer) memorial/tribute to Gilbert Gottfried, inviting all his comedian friends to come in and roast the deceased, vying to outdo one another for tastelessness. It would have to be long because dozens of comics would demand to be part of it…and we'd repeatedly hear the phrase, "Gilbert would have loved it." Which he would have, assuming his family wasn't discomforted by the enterprise. I saw a little of the actual funeral online but this would be different. This would be for the mass audience and not done in a place of worship with a rabbi present. Someone's gotta be considering that.

Just because I don't mention Ukraine on this blog doesn't mean I'm not continually horrified at what's going on there.

If you haven't caught last Sunday night's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, do so while HBO is still rerunning it. The main segment about Data Mining was extraordinary, what Oliver and his staff did to try and help the situation was brilliant…and it wouldn't surprise me if it actually had an impact. If you don't get HBO, you can watch that main segment here.

Be back later…maybe.