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I always liked Victor Borge. I saw him perform live three times and every show was exactly the same but I didn't care. It was a good show, well worth multiple viewings.

Here he is on The Ed Sullivan Show for February 14, 1965. It may explain a few of his jokes if I tell you that Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey were sworn into office less than a month before this telecast. Not long before this, Johnson came under a fair amount of criticism for the way he was treating his dogs. On a press tour, he was photographed picking them up by their ears.

The incident was soon forgotten as President Johnson gave people quite a number of other reasons to not like him.

Borge was Danish and at various times, he was referred to as The Clown Prince of Denmark, The Great Dane and The Unmelancholy Dane. He had a fine career as a musician but he began playing less and less, talking more and more, and proving to be a very funny man. I don't know if on this appearance on Ed's show, he ever got around to playing the entire song he promised. Often, he did not…