Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 707

I see a lot of people online wondering about their safety regarding COVID by looking at national data. Seems to me they should be looking at the numbers where they live. At any given time, the numbers are going to be up in one county, down in another…and it's going to be that way for quite a while. I don't check it often because day-to-day movement is kind of meaningless but when I do want to see the trend for Los Angeles, I look here.

Currently, reports of people testing positive, people being admitted to hospitals and people dying from this &@#%!!! virus are on a steady downslope…but as you can see, they've done that before. How will I decide it's over? Probably when my primary care physician tells me it is. As I've probably said before, he doesn't know everything but he knows a helluva lot more about this kind of thing than I do.

I'm trying not to think about this a lot. I'm trying to spend less time thinking about things I can't do anything about. The other day here, I linked to a pretty good "explainer" about what's going on with Russia and The Ukraine. Parts of that piece may be outta-date by now and more will be tomorrow…but one thing will remain true: There's nothing I can do about it. So I don't really need an opinion about it.