Andrews' Choice

A few years ago, the gifted writer Gail Simone (Hi, Gail!) did the above Twitter poll, asking folks which of Archie's two main lady friends was more desirable.  Now, I don't put a lot of stock in online polls.  They're easy to rig and often they do not get a diverse selection of respondents.  I am quite willing to accept the results of this one though because, well…that's the obvious result.  In fact, I could have saved Gail the fifteen seconds it took to set this up.  I could have told her the outcome would be a tie well within the margin of error…

…although I hear Mike Lindell has absolute, undeniable proof that there was massive fraud by the well-monied Lodge family and that Betty really won in a landslide.

I have no idea what the appeal of the Archie comic book franchise is today.  I'm not saying there isn't one; just that the old premises — the ones I knew way back when — seem to have been abandoned. That is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if they've come up with something more modern to replace them. Not everything stays relevant forever and when I used to kinda/sorta follow those comics here and there, they were close to relevant. Now, I dunno.