As if Alec Baldwin wasn't having enough trouble, Saturday Night Live has found a guy who does a much better Donald Trump impersonation. His name is James Austin Johnson and he comes into last Saturday night's cold opening about four minutes in…
I admire the impression but having made the decision to not pay much attention to the former (and in too many minds including his, current) president, I'm not sure I could take much of a reasonable facsimile.
Meanwhile, I'm also not following the Baldwin shooting case much…just enough to suspect that a lot of speculation is filling in for the real investigation that hasn't yet concluded. No matter where culpability may lie, I think the outcome for the movie business will be a lot of realistic-looking prop guns that can't possibly fire live ammo, blanks or anything. Smoke or pyrotechnics will be added via C.G.I. or they won't be there. This may become a law in every state or it just may be a de facto rule because those who insure or bond a film won't insure or bond any movie that won't comply. And it's about time.