And Happy Sergio Day!

Photo by Bruce Guthrie

And Feliz Navidid! (Oh, wait: That's Merry Christmas!) Feliz Cumpleaños to my best friend in the Male and Facial Hair categories, Sergio Aragonés. I just figured out that I have known this man for 73% of my life and admired his talent as a cartoonist for about 76%. If you totaled up all the fights and cross words we've had in that time, it comes out to about three-and-a-half minutes…and each teensy squabble was followed by a lot of "You were right! / No, you were right!"

Sergio…I was going to send you a birthday card but I'm not going to stores much these days and I also realized that if I did, you'd have to take the time to open it and there's no way it would be as well-drawn as if you just drew it yourself. So please draw your own birthday card and sign my name to it. And make it really, really fancy because I like you an awful lot.