A recurring theme in posts here is my amazement at the lack of common sense from people who really oughta know better. The other day, I said I didn't understand why people are willing to risk getting COVID-19 but not risk vaccinations which almost all doctors recommend and which have been administered to millions without much apparent problem. So now we turn to someone like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who usually struck me as a pretty smart guy and savvy politician.
I don't think even the people who don't want him in office thought he was a dummy. Most of those who dislike his politics were the opposite. They wanted him out because he was too skilled at making things happen that they didn't want to have happen. But now it looks like his political career is kaput because of multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.
The number one reason to not do those kinds of things to women is sheer decency as a human being. But a close second is that if you get caught, you're going down hard. I've never robbed a bank because I'm not dishonest…but a perfectly fine reason also to not rob banks is that if you get caught, you go to prison. It's a stupid thing to do.
If Cuomo's alleged affronts were all many years ago — as some of them were — that might make a little sense. Careers weren't ending twenty years ago because powerful men treated women inappropriately. But some of the charges against the soon-to-be ex-governor are since the "Me Too" movement became as powerful as it's become. And he just should've known better…known it would hurt him, known it would hurt others, known it would hurt everyone, even his own brother, the newsman.
Assuming the gov can't prove all the charges are false — and it would sure be surprising if he could — he oughta be out of office for being a boor and a molester. But, not to trivialize those reasons, I'd also throw "fool" in there too. We need and deserve smarter people than that in our government.