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The CNN website just posted this correction…

Correction: An earlier version of this post said that the Supreme Court indicated that prosecutors went too far to call up to five other alleged victims to establish a pattern against Cosby. The majority opinion says in a footnote that they didn't consider that issue.

So ignore what I said about that being the reason for the decision this morning. Here's what seems to be a better explanation

In 2019, an interim court upheld the trial verdict. But the Supreme Court, the state's highest court, agreed to consider the case, and at a hearing in December, some of the court's seven justices questioned prosecutors sharply.

In their 79-page opinion, the judges wrote that a "non-prosecution agreement" that had been struck with a previous prosecutor meant that Mr. Cosby should not have been charged in the case, and that he should be discharged. They barred a retrial.

In any case, the point is that Cosby was not released because a court said he was innocent…as some online seem to think. He's going free because they decided there were procedural errors in the trial via which he was convicted.