Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 421

Not long ago, many of my friends were fretting about the closure of the Pacific Theatre empire including the ArcLight cinema operation and the Cinerama Dome theater in Hollywood. We told you someone would come along to buy all or parts of it and reopen…and it looks like that's just what's going to happen.

We all know how our lives have changed due to coping with The Pandemic. A few friends and I have lately found ourselves on the topic of which of those changes will stick around after it's All Clear. I've grown to really like firms like Instacart and Grubhub which deliver food and supplies to my door. I won't use them as much but I'll use them more than I did before.

I think a lot more companies will be open to employees working from home. I think you'll see a lot of mask-wearing in public, especially during Flu Season. Most folks won't be as automatic to shake hands. A lot of us have gallons of Hand Sanitizer to use up. Things like that.

I have no opinion about whether Donald Trump should be allowed on Facebook or not. Part of me thinks nobody should be allowed on Facebook, including me. Or maybe just me. It would be a lot of fun to have it to myself.

A lot of people seem to think that Freedom of Speech is the right to say anything you want anywhere via any means you wish to use and to have everyone hear you. The relevant part of the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…" Nothing in there about Facebook.

And it seems like most of the people now howling that Trump should be on any platform he chooses are also in favor of muzzling the press.