Ghee Whiz!

Have you ever tried cooking with clarified butter, aka ghee? I haven't but it seems popular with some of the online chefs whose videos I watch in a usually-fruitless search for a recipe I feel like I could prepare. Usually, that's limited to egg dishes but only the part where I crack the eggs into a bowl and then spend some time fishing out pieces of shell.

But Friday morning, I was in a Trader Joe's and I spotted a jar of ghee and thought, "Why not?" I have no specific cooking adventure in mind for it but according to the date stamped on the jar, I have 186 years, 9 months and 10 days to use it…and then on 2/4/2208, it won't even be inedible. It just won't be at its best. I probably have at least half a century after that before it might taste rancid or stale.

I should be able to figure out a use for it by then. And just in case I can't and it survives me, I've got that all figured out. I'm going to put a clause in my will leaving what's left in the jar then to Elroy Jetson. Maybe he can share it with Astro.