Several news sources reported today that the folks who run Comic-Con International have abandoned plans to have their "Special Edition" in-person, not-online Comic-Con on Thanksgiving Weekend this year. These reports were in error. As of today, the event is still a "go" but a lot of details still have to be ironed out.
As you may know, a recurring belief of this blog is that The Pandemic has rendered the future very uncertain so I tend not to put much stock in anyone's predictions. There might be a new variant of the virus. There might be a new surge of the old version of it. There might be a lot of things that will render today's forecasts inoperative.
I see a lot of people are saying things like, "Hey, if Disneyland can open up April 30 and Governor Newsom can say that all restrictions in the state will be lifted by June 15, why can't they have an in-person Comic-Con in July or soon after and be sure they can do one in November?" Well, Disneyland may change its mind…and they're probably doing a helluva lotta things to modify the park before they reopen. And like every single governor and mayor in the country at one time or another during The Pandemic, Mr. Newsom may have to modify his projections.
And there's one other point: When the state may fully open is one thing. When San Diego and the convention center and surrounding businesses will be ready to welcome Comic-Con may be a different thing. Comic-Con requires a lot of advance planning and the planners need to coordinate literally hundreds of agencies, suppliers, services, vendors, insurance companies, transportation enterprises, etc. Here is something I've learned working with these people, lo these past few decades: However complicated you think it is, it's way more complicated than that.
Wait and see. Just wait and see and trust that it will all come together — or not — in due time.