Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 386

We're all well aware — maybe too aware — of the divides in this country over race and gender and whether you love or loathe Donald Trump. Another one that I'm surprised we don't hear more about is covered in this article by Eric Levitz. The divide is between people who attend church and people who do not attend church…and according to Levitz, the latter are now the majority.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that if you've been vaccinated, you not only probably can't get COVID-19 but you probably can't spread it. I wish they'd say those "probablies" louder because we don't need more people thinking The Pandemic is over and no more precautions need to be taken. New cases are still turning up and people are still dying.

I have no idea if Rep. Matt Gaetz is guilty of sex trafficking or anything else he's being accused of…but I do know that if the same allegations were made about a Democratic Congressman, Gaetz would be on every channel saying they're true, demanding the Democrat resign immediately and chanting "Lock him up! Lock him up!"