Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 377

There's a bit of self-advice I've occasionally heard from folks who are in positions that require them to make a lot of important decisions. It's about the power of "no" and it goes something like this: Every time you have to say "yes" or "no," say "no." You'll be right 90+% of the time and in most of those jobs, to be right 90+% of the time is quite an achievement.

I don't necessarily endorse that position for all matters but when it comes to talking about Gun Control, you'll be right an acceptable percentage of the time if you always say "Nothing meaningful will be done." It's one of those hills which too many people are prepared to die on. And it doesn't even matter what's in the bill or proposal. The mere fact that it controls one or more guns anywhere is reason enough for some people to oppose it.

So that's my view after the most recent mass shootings: Nothing meaningful will be done. I'd be delighted to be proven wrong but I bet I won't be.

Whatever else you may think about Bernie Sanders — and I think he's a good man who could never have beaten Donald Trump — he is a staunch defender of Freedom of Speech. I say this as a firm believer that you are not any kind of defender of Freedom of Speech when you are defending someone's right to say what you believe. Anyone could and would do that. You're only a defender of the staunch kind when you defend the kind of speech you'd rather someone wasn't saying.

Bernie is not comfortable with a private company with the reach of Twitter banning Donald Trump. There are two sides to this issue and I'm not sure which side I'm on…but I do admire anyone who does what Senator Sanders is doing here, even if I ultimately decide he's wrong.