Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 336

Kind of half-watching The Impeachment Trial today. I know it's history. I also know it'll be available for watching forever on the web. I also know how it will end. What I don't know is how Donald Trump — who is not new at the science of retaining attorneys — could wind up with a team that would infuriate him and also most of his supporters in Congress and most pro-Trump pundits.

There are, as even lawyers would agree, lawyers out there who'll take any case, defend anyone for fame or money or (even better) both. Yeah, I know the lawyers Trump first engaged to make his defense retreated but you'd think hundreds of others would stampede for the position. You're almost guaranteed to win the case no matter what you do and you'd be a superstar to wealthy right-wingers. How'd Trump wind up with the guys he wound up with?

One of America's biggest comic conventions, WonderCon, is still officially scheduled to convene at the Anaheim Convention Center on March 26. That's 43 days from today.

No badges have been sold or offered. No dealers have purchased exhibitor space. No hotel reservations have been made. No guests have been announced. So…uh, what do we think will happen?