One Last Trump Dump

I stopped posting links to articles about Trump partly because everyone else was posting plenty and partly because at some point, I got sick of reading about him. But here are some I've come across lately that might be of interest to you…

The Complete List of Trump's Twitter Insults — a list of everyone and everything he insulted on Twitter. You may notice a tendency to predict unemployment and failure for everyone who mocks or criticizes him…and almost all of those folks are doing fine.

EXPLAINER: Election claims, and why it's clear Biden won — Two Associated Press reporters explain why it's clear the election did not go Donald's way. It will forever baffle me why, when every single poll (including right-wing ones like Rasmussen and Fox News) showed Biden winning handily and Trump never had an approval rating higher than his disapproval rating, so many people think it's inconceivable that he lost.

The Final Tally on Trump's Campaign Promises — Politifact takes a look at what Trump promised to achieve and how few of them he actually made good on.

Jonathan Chait writes about how Trump is on the verge of losing everything and how little of Barack Obama's legacy Donald was unable to undo.

The full list of pardons that Trump issued — Wish I'd had the money to get one. I don't expect to be charged with any crime but it still would be nice to have a presidential pardon around, just in case.

There are a lot of articles online condemning the Capitol Insurrection and saying that Trump incited it and bears more than a little responsibility for it. I'm just linking to this one by Daniel Larison.

And lastly: Here's a quick montage of Lindsey Graham, who by my reckoning is in a dead heat with Rudy Giuliani for the title of Public Figure Who Most Debased Himself in Service of Donald Trump…