Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 307

In case you're interested — and I wouldn't be all that interested if I were you — I have no real feeling about what should happen in terms of impeaching Trump, censuring Trump, kicking him out early via the 25th amendment, whatever. Just so long as he's outta there, which he will be. Today's round of arguments seems to be that it will infuriate much of the country if he's punished for the January 6 rioting.

That's probably true. And it's equally true that it will infuriate much of the country if he isn't. I don't see how either option leads to peace, healing, calm or everyone linking hands and singing like the Whos down in Whoville on Christmas morning. This may just be one of those things we have to get through to find out where we'll wind up.

I again want to thank everyone who's made one of those nice PayPal donations to this site lately. My e-mail is still screwed-up in some ways but I do get notices of who's sent me loot. Once I get things squared away, correspondence-wise, I will be sending out a special "thank you" to each of you.