Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 302

I have two choices today. I can work on a script I'd like to finish or I can think about what's happening to my country. I stayed up last night 'til the joint session of Congress adjourned. I thought maybe at its close, I'd write some pithy blog post that would summarize what it all meant. Alas, by the time Mitch gaveled things to a merciful end, I had neither the energy nor any real idea what it all meant, aside from the fact that Biden would be sworn in soon and everyone is hopping mad at everyone else.

So I'm going to opt for the script. At least I can do something about that and I have a pretty good idea as to what's going on in it. I think. Maybe.

The fine folks at Comic-Con International have issued a press release headlined "Gary Sassaman, Curatorial Director of Comic-Con Museum, Announces His Retirement." Actually, though Gary currently has that title, it would be more correct to say he's been a vital part of the con in many ways since 1992 and his past titles have included serving Director of Programming and Director of Print and Digital Media — meaning he supervised publications and the Comic-Con website.

I worked with Gary a lot when he was Director of Programming so I know how valuable he's been. In fact, he's the guy who came up with the initial idea for what turned into the Quick Draw! panel that we do every year. I don't begrudge him his retirement but he is one of the reasons Comic-Con has been the rousing success that it is every year. When they can have it, that is.

I am again having e-mail problems which may interfere a bit with communications. Right now, what I need is the expertise of someone who is really good with Mozilla Thunderbird for the P.C., especially with multiple accounts and moving the profile files of one installation to another. If you are such a person and would like to help, drop me an e-mail and let's hope I can read it. Thanks.