Just before my computer crashed, I searched a folder of pics I took up at the MAD offices back in the seventies because I took some in the office of William Gaines. He said "You can photograph anything you want except me" but I didn't get a photo of his little Arbuckle display. Still, I figured someone might like to see this one…
The ceiling was filled with model zeppelins, many of them the MAD Zeppelin, featured for a time in the magazine. The cash register was configured so each button had a picture of a MAD staffer or a saying and when you pushed it, what popped up was not a price but a joke connected with what was on the button. The large head of King Kong was a gift from its sculptor, Sergio Aragonés. There were all sorts of toys and fun things in that office…and there was Bill, who was a very big and very rich kid.