Happy December. I usually silence the ringer on my main phone line when I go to bed but I forgot last night. At 5:55 AM, I was awakened by what I assume was a Spam-type call. I didn't answer it but it was from Huntington Park, California where I know no one. Every single call I've ever received on my cell that was from Huntington Park was a robocall trying to sell me something.
I couldn't get back to sleep so I just stared at my bedroom ceiling — in particular at a little patch of light from the street outside — until I gave up and got up. I re-read something I'd written the night before…something with which I was quite satisfied when I turned in for the night. At (by now) 7:30 AM, I was a different person reading it and I didn't like what I read and erased most of it. I'm not sure if I need to re-read my work when I'm half-asleep more often or not at all.
All those fund-raising e-mails from Trump I've written about and quoted here have reportedly raised either $150 million or $170 million, depending on which news item you read. They all say that, though the people being asked to give it are being told it's to defend and maybe overturn the election, very little of that loot is going for that. It's going into a fund Trump can use for anything he wants. At times, Trump reminds me of a guy I once worked for who said things like, "In this world, you have to look at every single thing that happens and ask yourself, 'How do I make money off that?'"
It looks though that Trump's going to use at least a little of that money to lose Wisconsin three or four more times. That's at least entertaining.