I am unable to put myself in the frame-of-mind of those who are proudly hosting or attending large gatherings tomorrow. I kinda half-understand people who think COVID-19 is not as great a risk — especially to the young and healthy — as authorities say. To me though, "I'll never get COVID" or "If I get it, I'll beat it with ease" are gambles you'd be nuts to take, especially since if you lose, you could also cause a lot of pain and grief for others.
I do understand the eagerness some have to "normalize" their worlds but I don't think eating turkey with a big group would make my life feel very pre-pandemic. And of course, I don't understand those who think the disease was a hoax all along, particularly a hoax invented to embarrass and unseat Donald Trump. When politicians like Ted Cruz who said it was are up for re-election, I hope their opponents remind the voting public of some of the stupidest, most irresponsible statements ever made by folks holding public office.
Then again, that's right up there with "We have to go to war because Saddam definitely has those Weapons of Mass Destruction." Those claims didn't bother as many people as they should have.