Late Wednesday Afternoon

Feeling a little better now that I've slept a bit and eaten something. How I am now reminds me of times in the past where to meet a critical deadline, I had to stay up all night and I paid for it over the next few days. The scripts suffered, as well.

I know you don't come here for election news but here's where I think we are now. All the decision desks have decided to put Wisconsin in the Biden column and some (Associated Press and Fox News) have awarded him Arizona, as well. If he has Arizona, he's at 264 and if he doesn't, he's at 253 since Arizona has 11 electoral votes. The most likely source of the last six that will get him to The Magic 270 is Nevada, which has exactly that number. He seems to have a lead there which will be difficult for Trump to surmount but who knows? They may find more ballots in Wayne Newton's hair or someplace.

We may know about Arizona and Nevada later tonight. If either or both fail him, there seems to be a good chance of him winning Pennsylvania's 20 votes but not such a good chance of Pennsylvania being decided today or tomorrow. And then there's the possibility of Georgia's 16 or North Carolina's 15 but those two could go either way.

I was waiting until I had more of my brain functioning to try and write a piece about why this whole election is so depressing to me but Fred Kaplan did it for me. WARNING: It should depress you too, even if you're pro-Trump. The divisiveness in this country has made everything contentious — people are dying and we can't even get everyone to agree there's a pandemic — and our country is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. Which makes things worse for everyone.