Mushroom Soup Thursday

It's been so long since I've posted one of these that I probably need to explain. When I get real busy, I declare a Mushroom Soup Day on this blog. It basically means "Don't expect a lot of content here today." There may be some but — no offense — I'm putting one or more pressing deadlines ahead of entertaining you, dear readers. You might just have to find something else on the Internet to read. I've heard there are interesting things on other websites though, God knows, I haven't seen any.

In the meantime: I have marked my ballot and am deciding whether to mail it or drop it off somewhere. You'll never-in-a-skillion-years guess how I voted for President.

I recommend reading this article by Matt Yglesias. Basically, it says that Republicans have some pretty unpopular political goals and the reason they can have them and still win some elections is that people don't believe anyone could really have those goals. But they do.

Keith Olbermann, who has been doing naught but sports, dog adoptions and lifeless James Thurber readings for lo these many years, is getting back into the news/commentary biz with a series of daily webcasts. This is probably part of a plan to get some non-web job somewhere. Here's a link to the first one which I kinda liked but not enough to make it Today's Video Link. I find myself generally agreeing with what the man says but not with how he says it. I don't even like being bullied into believing what I already believe.

I have decided to stop writing negative reviews on websites that ask you to rate goods or services. Amazon routinely deletes all the ones I post, no matter how polite or reasonable they are. The other day, I wrote a Google one about Simply Stamps, an online company that makes rubber stamps. They made $73.90 of their self-inking variety for me and I ended up throwing them away. So I guess someone figured it was okay to discard the online review I wrote. I don't think this has ever not happened to me with an online negative review. Bye for now.