I've been trying all day to write…something. At first, it was going to be my views on the situation with Trump and the First Lady and The Virus but I surfed a few other sites and discovered that others were saying everything — E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G — I was going to say so what was the point?
So then I tried writing something for this blog that had nothing to do with Trump or The Virus or Washington or The Election and that didn't work. My mind kept drifting back to Trump or The Virus or Washington or The Election or that kind of stuff. And incidentally, I had the news on for a while and realized it was one of those days we have so often where they feel they have to keep talking about one subject incessantly but they only have about twelve minutes of actual news about it…
…so you're waiting and waiting for some new information and there isn't any. It's the same information over and over, tweaked this way and that way, with gaping shovelfuls of speculation about things that either have happened before (so the speculation yields obvious answers) or hasn't (so the speculation in no way relates to reality).
Could we add something to the Hippocratic Oath so it says "first, do no harm" and then that's followed by "second, when on television do not diagnose a patient you've never been in the same room with, especially if you haven't even seen the notes of a doctor who has"?
Then I tried writing something not for this blog…something for a current assignment of the kind that results in me at some point getting a check…and I didn't get very far with that. I kept thinking things like how Mike Pence is standing by with a 9 iron and a list of childish insults in case he needs to assume the president's duties.
I've been saying all along on the blog that between now (whenever "now" was when I said it) and Election Day (whenever Election Day effectively is), we were going to see a lot of sudden, outta-nowhere events that no one could anticipate and which would completely change things. I just didn't think there'd be so many of them and they'd come so close together.