Targeted Anger

On comic book message boards, I see a lot of what seems to me like misplaced, useless anger about comics done long ago. For example, in 1967, longtime Flash artist Carmine Infantino was promoted into a management position at DC Comics and no longer had time (or probably the interest) to draw the Flash comic. He had drawn all its previous issues since the hero was revived in 1956 so his style was very much a part of that comic.

As one of his first decisions in his new position, Infantino announced he'd selected Ross Andru to take over that strip. Ross was an experienced artist — a good one, I felt — but an odd choice. His style was quite different from Infantino's and clearly he was not selected to continue but to change the look and feel of that comic. If fans love something, they usually do not like having the look and feel of it changed on them. They often get mad…

…and in this case, at whom did they get mad? Why, at Ross Andru, of course, and some of the mad people couldn't have been madder if Ross had come to their homes and killed a beloved housepet or sibling. A few are still mad at him. A few weeks ago on Facebook, someone posted a message that read in part, "I'm furious at what Marvel is doing with the X-Men lately but it's still not as bad as when Ross Andru took over The Flash."

And just in case you missed the year mentioned above, let me remind you: Andru took over drawing The Flash 52 years ago. The man died in 1993. He was put on that comic by the guy he replaced and in the industry back then, freelancers didn't have a whole lotta say in their assignments. If the company wanted you inking Green Arrow, you inked Green Arrow. It seems to me that if you're angry that he didn't draw that comic like Carmine Infantino, your argument is with Carmine Infantino…who is also no longer with us.

Also: This was over a half-century ago. If Mr. Andru had robbed a liquor store or committed assault, the Statute of Limitations would long since have rendered his crime a distant memory. But getting assigned to the wrong comic? That's something you just don't forgive.