Too Much News!

Let me see if I can post a few things that aren't about the hurricane or the pandemic or the Republican Convention or protesters being shot…

Hey, Nate 'n Al's Delicatessen in Beverly Hills is functioning again. I even got a take-out order from them a couple weeks ago. It's one of those establishments that not only serves comfort food but the place itself kind of is comfort food…if you know what I mean. You used to be able to go there and see Doris Day and Bob Newhart and Harvey Korman and Red Buttons and George Burns and Walter Matthau…and once, I had brunch there with Phil Silvers and when he started telling me a story about Milton Berle, the door from the street opened and Milton Berle walked in — and joined us!

The last decade or so before it closed, the "celeb" list was pretty much Larry King, Larry King, Larry King, Larry King and — every once in a while — Larry King. There's about a four-block area in that part of Beverly Hills where it was pretty much impossible to eat without seeing Larry King. I figured out that there had to be about eleven of him wandering the streets there.

Anyway, here's a little video report on the current status of Nate 'n Al's. The building it's in was supposed to have been torn down by now to make way for something wholly unnecessary but The Pandemic has thrown a lot of plans into chaos so who knows? All I care about is that Larry King is eating well.