Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 138

I've decided to just pretend I was at the Comic-Con in San Diego all weekend and that it was such a great convention, they decided to extend it indefinitely. So I"m still in San Diego and I'm hosting eight panels today to go with the 37 I've hosted since last Thursday.

If I went back to my Real Reality (as opposed to that Alternate one), I'd be at home in Los Angeles right now, just like I was all last week, with all sorts of deadlines to meet and not a whole lotta time to be blogging here today. Also, I decided that thanks to an attentive, competent government, COVID-19 didn't spread much in this country in my Alternate Reality and has already been truly contained…which is why we could have that great convention.

I know, I know. You can only live so long in an Alternate Reality because eventually, your Real One needs attention or things can get really, really bad in it.

But maybe I can enjoy this one a bit longer. I'm due at the convention center right now to interview one of my favorite cartoonists — Elzie Segar, the creator of Popeye. Yes, I know that in Your Reality and my Real One, he passed away in 1938. But this is my Alternate Reality and I can have anyone in it I like. And later today, I'm hosting a Jack Kirby Panel with our special guest, Jack Kirby. I miss that guy.