For the first time since 1970 when it started, I am not attending the big comic book convention in San Diego, at least in person. I'm participating like hundreds of thousands of others (I would guess) are…online. It's not the same but what is, these days?
I can be seen in four pre-recorded panels — two that I moderated, two that I was asked to appear on. The times given are when the video will debut online and can be watched at your leisure by clicking on the link.
Friday, July 24 at 1:00 PM
Make Mine Marvel: Bringing Back Marvel Classics For Today's Readers
Mark Evanier (comic book writer and historian), Lauren Bisom (Marvel entertainment editor), Russell Busse (Abrams senior editor, licensing and entertainment) gather for a discussion moderated by Charles Kochman (Abrams ComicArts editorial director) about the legacy of classic Marvel Comics, and how new books for readers of all ages are bringing classic comic art, characters, and storylines to a new generation.Friday, July 24 at 3:00 PM
The Annual Jack Kirby Tribute Panel
Every year, former Kirby assistant Mark Evanier hosts a gathering of fans of the man some call "The King of the Comics" and his vast, persistent impact on not only comic books but related fields, as well. This year, Mark and John Morrow (publisher of The Jack Kirby Collector) discuss all this with master artist Alex Ross who discusses the influence Kirby had on his work.
Saturday, July 25 at 4:00 PM
Cartoon Voices
Mark Evanier (The Garfield Show) hosts a celebration of those who speak for animated characters, featuring four of the most-heard voices around: Laraine Newman (Bob's Burgers), Bill Farmer (Goofy), Misty Lee (Squirrel Girl) and Dee Bradley Baker (Daffy Duck). They discuss their craft and demonstrate what they do with a very odd reading of Little Red Riding Hood.Sunday, July 26 at 11:00 AM
Jack Kirby 101: An Introduction
Comic-Con legend Mark Evanier (onetime Jack Kirby assistant, and author of Jack Kirby: King of Comics) and The Jack Kirby Collector's John Morrow (TwoMorrows Publishing) join The Jack Kirby Museum's Tom Kraft and Rand Hoppe for a discussion that will provide an introduction to Jack Kirby, the man, his work, and his influence on comics, comic conventions, and the culture at large.
In case you can't guess, the second and third panels are the ones I organized. A dead giveaway is that I would never describe myself or really anyone of my generation in comics with the "L" word. It's become hokey, meaningless and kind of embarrassing. But that Kirby panel came out pretty good as I recall.
They actually all did. If you're a fan of the online Cartoon Voices Panels I'm doing, don't miss this one. The next live one will be August 8. And the two panels about Jack Kirby this weekend are about Jack Kirby. What more do you need to know? See you online.