Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 124

I'm within about a half-inch of All Better. The Food Poisoning has gone away and apart from a bit of fatigue, I'm back to being me, which is really the only thing at which I'm even vaguely competent.

I haven't been thinking about Donald Trump today. I've mostly been thinking about Groo the Wanderer. Those of you who are familiar with Groo can make up your own jokes and they'll be just as good as anything I can come up with.

We're closing in on our 28,000th post on this blog…and before this year is over, we will celebrate twenty years of doing this. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning that but it feels like something I oughta mention here.

To the steadily-growing list of Things I'll Never Understand, add why some people are so eager to "reopen" their cities even though so many cities that have "reopened" have seen an obvious cause-and-effect spike in their citizens getting a painful, potentially-fatal disease. I have heard the arguments about the "freedom" to not wear a mask but it always comes from someone who isn't concerned about, say, my freedom to go to the market without having a disease-carrying person spray infected respiratory droplets in my direction.

One time on this blog, I wrote about my belief that we are not harsh enough on people who get high or drunk and then drive a car. One gent wrote me — and if he was making a joke, it was a damned subtle one — on how the government has no right to tell you you can't do that. If that person wasn't writing a spoof or is still alive, both of which seem unlikely, I know which side of this issue he's on.