Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 123

I know you're all coming here to see how my health is so here's the answer: I think I'm well again but I thought that yesterday and was wrong. I magically got well enough to host the Cartoon Voices Panel and then had about a three-hour relapse. I'd like to think the Food Poisoning just came back for a brief encore and now the show's over. Whew.

For a time there, I was about as sick as sick can be. No, I didn't think I had The Virus but I had some moments of empathy with those who do. I kept thinking, "This will be over in a day or two. Imagine if I knew that wouldn't be the case." Many's the time you're in misery over something but you have luxury of knowing it will end. As I get older, I'm more inclined to get philosophical over those temporary miseries…to think, "There's no point in whining about it or acting like you're the victim of some gross unfairness. You're going to feel like shit for X days, there's not much you can do to end it before it ends itself…just wait it out."

That's me giving myself very good advice but I'm not always able to listen to me about stuff like that. I often feel that way about the Trump Administration.