Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 116

I started writing one of these yesterday about the wearing of masks. I was about three paragraphs into it when I stopped and asked myself, as I often do when I'm a few paragraphs into things, "Why am I writing this?" If you like this site enough to be reading this, you probably agree with me how ridiculous it is that anyone would not wear a mask in public and especially that they'd gather together in maskless social events. No point in telling you what you already know.

This will be a very bad week for Donald Trump. Why do I say that? Because every week lately has been a very bad week for Donald Trump. It might feature a Supreme Court decision or some catastrophic polling numbers or some former associate (one of those "best people" he hired who is now a lying idiot) turning on him or someone close to him testing positive for COVID-19 or some news story about illegal dealings…but there'll be something.

I continue to try and minimize the amount of attention I pay to all this. It's not easy.