Bruce Jay Friedman, R.I.P.

Sad to hear of the passing of one of my favorite writers, Bruce Jay Friedman. Obits like this one celebrate him for his screenplays and novels, and they're wonderful, but I think of his as one of our great playwrights. In my library, I have all my Bruce Jay Friedman books with the plays, not the movie books or novels. He had a dark, irresistible sense of humor.

I never got to meet the man. I know one of his sons — the fine caricaturist Drew Friedman — but I never got to meet Bruce Jay and I'm sorry. I would have liked to tell him how much his work has meant to me. I hope he's enjoying his time in the steambath right about now.

Mark's Marx Marks

Recently when I did a couple of webcasts about Groucho Marx, a question came up on them and in e-mails: If someone has never seen a Marx Brothers movie, what's the best one to show them as an introduction to those zany boys? For a long time, my answer to that has been: "Whichever one is being shown at a theater near you where you can take the person to see them on a big screen with a big audience." Sometimes, I would add, "…just as long as what they're showing isn't The Big Store, Love Happy, A Night in Casablanca or The Story of Mankind." And I might even exclude The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers because the crude cinematography — and often, terrible prints — detract a bit from the other glories of those films.

My feeling is that if you see A Night at the Opera or Horse Feathers or one of a couple of others in optimum conditions and don't fall in love with the Marxes, there's no point in watching a second Marx Brothers movie. You either get them or you don't.

I'm a big believer in seeing certain kinds of movies — comedies but also certain kinds of pictures — in theaters with crowds as opposed to your den with 0-4 other people present. When I started seeing my lovely friend Amber, I discovered she'd never seen a lot of movies I knew she'd like. Some of them — like The Princess Bride and And Justice For All, I decided would be fine in my den…but, for instance, I didn't show her The French Connection there.

When they showed it at the Motion Picture Academy with a great print on a big screen and with its director appearing, I took her to that and she loved it. She would have probably loved it in my den but not, I think, as much. I have not shown her It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World or any Marx Brothers films or big musicals in my den.

Going to the movies is not possible to do, of course, during the pandemic. Given some of the current financial news about the big theater chains, it may not be as possible as it was once the virus is no longer holding us as prisoners. So you may have to settle for watching these films on the TV in your den.

If I were to pick a Marx Brothers movie to show to Amber or any newcomer, this would be my order of preference: A Night at the Opera, Horse Feathers, A Day at the Races, Monkey Business, Go West, Duck Soup, At The Circus…and after that, I don't think it matters. Don't write me in horror thinking I consider At The Circus a better film than Animal Crackers because I don't. If you think that, you aren't understanding what I'm saying here. Duck Soup is better than any of the MGM films but it wouldn't be my first or second pick as an introduction to Groucho, Harpo, Chico and that other brother.

Which brings me to the main point of this post, which is to let you know that on Friday evening, Turner Classic Movies is running Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, Animal Crackers and Duck Soup in that order. The first one starts at 8 PM on my cable feed. If you miss Duck Soup, don't worry. TCM shows it a lot. In fact, I think this is the second time they've run it in the past week.

Today's Video Link

Sixteen singers — who I guess sing in groups of four as the Dapper Dans at Disneyland — vocalize from their homes…

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  • Watching the news. Does anyone know if that pandemic thing is still on?

Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 83

One of the things I don't like about Donald Trump — apart from being a pathologically-lying sociopath who doesn't care how much damage he does in his desperate need to feel like a "winner" — is how hard he is to ignore. I just know that he has someone check my site every day or so and if they come back and say, "Evanier's not writing about you," he thinks up some attention-grabbing outrage to simultaneously make you pay attention to him and distract you from other, more ghastly things he's done.

I actually had a dream recently where there's some generic Democrat and some generic Republican arguing. The Democrat says "Trump is shredding the social safety net for the poor and elderly, inflaming racial hatred with his embrace of white supremacists, responsible for a bad response to a pandemic that has killed 100,000+ Americans and left millions more confined to their home…" And that list goes on and on and on. And then the Republican says, "Hey, both sides do bad things. What about Obama wearing that tan suit?"

At least it went something like that. Anyway, just in case I have to state the obvious, my heart is with the protesters as is some of my money. (I thought about where to put it and decided that if anyone can use the courts to right some of the wrongs done to them and the massive one to George Floyd, it'll be the A.C.L.U.)

And I'd just like to remind everyone that a point I keep making is that between now and the time Donald J. Trump is out of office, "what this election is about" is going to keep changing and shifting and growing ever more unpredictable. Not all that long ago, it looked like it was going to be about whether Trump had tried extorting a foreign nation to either dig up dirt on Hunter Biden or make it look like there just have been some because they were investigating.

Nobody thought it would be about a global pandemic that killed so many people, harmed the lives of others and tanked our economy. Nobody thought it would be about a black guy in Minneapolis who was executed without a trial for suspicion of passing a bogus $20 bill. Nobody thought it would be about whatever it's going to be about next month and the month after and every minute until November…and even probably after that as Trump and his minions deny the validity of every vote he doesn't get.

No one has ever been able to determine with any credibility, who it was who first said, "May you live in interesting times." Whoever it was, he or she is probably long dead, which is a shame. Because if that person was alive, I'd like to find them and beat the crap outta them as they yelled, "I didn't mean this interesting!"

Today's Video Link

Here's "You Can't Stop the Beat" in Japanese…

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  • Remember when all the folks now supporting Trump were complaining about what a divisive president Barack Obama was? And how Saddam Hussein was evil because he gassed his own people?

Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 82

I've read a lot about the protests and destruction in my city and spoken to a few folks who were out there protesting but not at all destructing. I've come to the conclusion that we're looking at two wildly-different groups with wildly-different goals and morals. The protests — at least the ones my friends attended — were exactly what we have in mind when we talk of "peaceful protests."

Others came along to cause trouble and while I usually have great praise 'n' respect for the police in my city, it sure looks like they didn't understand that they were dealing with two different groups. The news coverage of what went down in Santa Monica last night would make you think they were more concerned with the folks standing in front of government building calmly holding signs that said "LOVE" and "JUSTICE" than the ones smashing in the front windows of the Apple Store and grabbing up iPhones.

I'm sure within each of those two groups there were a lot of disparate thoughts and motives but there was obviously that sharp dividing line there and a lot of the local news reporters noticed it. I don't get why the officials deploying law enforcement didn't.

We have another curfew tonight. That means that those of us who have been staying in our homes for 82 days and not going out will be not going out. Sure hope things quiet down because…well, just because. That's reason enough right there.

I just removed a paragraph here asking folks to help me with a webcast test this evening. The news is getting too hairy so I'm postponing it. Thanks to all who volunteered. Maybe later this week if/when things quiet down.

Today's First Video Link

Trevor Noah tries to explain to people who just don't "get it" why there is looting…

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  • You know, I understand why Trump supporters think Trump is good at the economy. I think they're giving him credit for coasting on momentum but I understand that. I just wonder if any of them think he's the best guy to cool racial tensions in this country.

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  • Trump told governors, "You're going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate." That's the way this man thinks. It's not about doing the right thing for the country. It's about looking tough.

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  • If Barack Obama wants to help stop the turmoil, he should be giving out really lousy advice. Because since it came from Obama, Trump will do the exact opposite.