Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 92

So it's Day 92. I'm still allowing very few people into my home and they either wear a mask or I know how much they've been isolating in their lives and I'm satisfied it's safe for us to isolate together for a while. I go out rarely and only for a good reason. Walking for exercise is a good reason and when I walk somewhere, I wear a mask. When I drive somewhere, I wear a mask from the moment I leave my car until the moment I'm back in my car.

In the two latter situations, I carry a little man-purse that contains an extra mask, a small vial of hand sanitizer, rubber gloves and a few paper towels.

I have no intention at the moment of changing any of this. I am unconvinced it's safe to "reopen" or to gather again in public places or to assume my chances of getting the virus are now down around the same level as my chances of getting hit by a meteor. I'd love to find out I'm wrong and that it's a lot safer than I think but I would still not take chances.

I am following what is said by Dr. Anthony Fauci and others of similar expertise and credentials but I am not altering my conduct except as approved by my personal physician. I believe it is brain-dead stupid to place any value on "health information" that comes from non-doctors and especially from politicians. I understand the president thinks we've turned the corner, the virus is going away and that it's safe now to cram into buildings and stadiums with others, especially when you're gathering to cheer Donald Trump. But this is a president who believes that convincing your followers that you've achieved something is just as good as actually doing it.

I am not spending a lot of time watching the news except for the weather and televised car chases. I am not spending any time trying to change the mind of anyone whose political views differ from mine though I might try it if I ever meet anyone who is willing to change their political views. When I do peek at the news, I like the way the Black Lives Matter campaign is winning over people, some of whom I did not think were winnable.

My health is fine. My mental attitude is pretty good. I'm getting work done. I have plenty of toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, Kleenex-type tissue, soap, bottled water, my favorite pantry items and several apps that can be used to have meals delivered. Life is pretty good here and I hope you can say the same.