Each night for the rest of this week, I'm going to be online at 7 PM Pacific Time (9 PM Central, 10 PM Eastern, etc.) for a somewhat informal conversation with one or more friends of mine. It'll just be us talking as we might over lunch and you're welcome to listen in and send comments or questions. I have no idea how long they'll run but it's kind of an experiment and it's to give me practice playing host and director, plus I get to talk with someone I've enjoyed talking with in the past.
Tomorrow night (Tuesday), I'll be talking with Paul Harris, who has logged more hours as a radio host than anyone else I know. He's retired from that now but he posts great stuff on his blog. Once upon a time, you weren't anyone in this world if you hadn't been interviewed on The Paul Harris Show and I'm pleased to say that I was, many times. We'll be discussing the late night shows and how they're coping with the absences of studio audiences and even studios, and I also want to talk a little about Las Vegas, where Paul often goes to play poker and I often go to not gamble anymore.
In addition to not knowing how long each webcast will run, I don't know if I'll be making them available for later viewing online, nor am I sure yet who'll be on the other three webcasts this week or if I'll do them in the future. All I know is that Paul and I will be there tomorrow night starting at 7 PM my time. Hope some of you will be, too. Click on the logo above or here to get to newsfromme.tv.