Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 45

I actually feel sorry for supporters of Donald Trump. Each morning, they must awake and wonder what incredibly stupid, destructive thing he's going to say or do that they'll then have to explain with "He didn't mean that" or "He didn't say what's on the video" or "The press is lying about that." I understand they believe that they believe supporting this guy gives them the kind of government they think they want but it's gotta be a lot of work to pretend grandpa has all his marbles.

And notice I'm not doing a very good job of ignoring him.

Hey, why has nobody handed Randy Rainbow a half-hour of prime (not necessarily prime-time) TV acreage? The guy's funny and topical and there are television programs with huge staffs that couldn't have put together that Trump parody video in a week, let alone in — what was it? A day and a half? Rainbow reportedly does them by himself in his Manhattan apartment. And it's not like he could have been working on it for weeks, figuring that sooner or later, Trump would probably start telling people to mainline Lysol…

In a day or so, I'm going to be announcing a couple of online video chats that I'm going to be doing. You will not have to sign up for these. They'll be open to all to watch live and then they'll be archived online so you can watch them at your leisure, not-live. If you'd like to get a jump on these videos, go to my new YouTube page and subscribe. I've put a few things up there that you might enjoy now.