Comic-Con, I'll Miss You…

I've been doing a lot of interviews today about the decision to cancel Comic-Con this year. Here's how it's being covered in The San Diego Union-Tribune.

I meant what I said in it. I feel sorry for the kid who's been working on a project he hoped to sell there or a job he'd hoped to get there. I feel sorry for the person who's been making a costume they hoped to wear there and for the dealer who expected that certain deals or sales there would bolster his or her business. Or for the person who dreamed of going there finally and this was the year. Or for the writers or artists or actors or…

Well, everyone. Everyone who was going to go there and have a good time and maybe boost their business a little.

Respect to the operators of Comic-Con International. It's a bitch to put that thing on every year and it must be at least a quintuple-bitch to call if off and deal with the refunds and the hotels and the local businesses and the convention center and the exhibitors and the San Diego police and the Chamber of Commerce and the unions and the travel agencies and the parking concessions and the insurance companies and I'll bet I could make this list ten times as long if I knew more about how the con operates. I know enough to know how miraculous it is that they pull it off every year and putting it off must be tougher.

Don't whine about it. It's just another loss from this fuckin' pandemic and far from the saddest one. But they had to do it…and good for them for doing it now. I just have to figure out where I'm going to cosplay as Princess Leia this year.