I just got a flurry of e-mails asking me how I think the coronavirus is going to affect comic book conventions. There's one taking place this weekend — The San Diego Comic Fest — and someone wrote to ask if I'd canceled my appearance there for fear of catching the sickness. Nope. I never planned an appearance at this one so there was nothing to cancel. If I'd decided to attend, I'd probably be there now.
I might be shaking hands less and washing mine more but I think I'd go. It's hard to decide though because a lot of folks who are telling us what's up don't seem to know what's up. Even if I thought Donald Trump was good at some aspects of his job, I don't think I'd listen to him on the topic of communicable diseases…and I wish the news media would put their cameras less on him and more on a kind of person you may have heard of called a "doctor."
This might be a good place to remind you that I make my living writing silly things. I am not a doctor, nor do I even play one on TV. And I'm hesitant to say much about this because I think in this world, and especially since the Internet was invented, we're getting too much of our information from people who don't know how to say "I don't know" when they don't know.
But I think it's safe to repeat what I've gleaned from watching and reading about this, and you because you're smart, probably already know all this: You should not shake hands too much if at all, should not touch your face or put your fingers in or near your mouth much, should not be around folks who are coughing or sneezing, should not cough or sneeze at people, and should wash your hands often. Oh — and they're saying that twenty seconds of soap 'n' water is better than Purell® but Purell® is fine. Most of that was good advice before there was any such thing as a coronavirus.
As for comic conventions…my first thought was that we all just oughta cosplay as Spider-Man or some other character who wears gloves and has his nose and mouth covered by a mask. That way, we could all be there and the only drawback would be that every con would look like this…

A few folks seem to have canceled on the Comic Fest this weekend. The bigger story is up north at the Emerald City Comic Con which takes place in Seattle, WA next weekend. There have been a lot of reported cases of the virus in Seattle and as a result, a lot of exhibitors, guests and attendees are opting to not attend. A PDF message from the operators of the convention can be read here.
I would like to think that this will not be the norm forever and we'll somewhat normalize even until an effective vaccine is available. Everyone on TV who is not President of the United States is telling us that may take at least a year if not longer. Right now, we're all a bit clueless on how bad this thing will be and how the risks compare to the kind of risks we choose to take with other sicknesses or activities which could be dangerous.
It's hard to tell, for example, if a new report of cases detected in a certain area is because the virus is spreading or because the amount of testing is increasing. The panic level might decrease as we become better informed. I sure hope so.
It's five weeks until I'm supposed to attend WonderCon in Anaheim and I'm planning on going. We'll know more by then. Comic-Con in San Diego is 138 days from now. We'll know even more by then. And as I was writing this, I received this e-mail from Steve Thomas…
What do you think the chances are that San Diego Comic-Con could be cancelled due to coronavirus? That's a lot of people from around the world gathering in one place, and California has already declared a state of emergency.
I think the chances are darn close to zero…but we'll see where this thing goes. I assume some people will skip big, crowded events for quite some time and will opt not to go. If they already purchased badges and decide not to use them, they can get a refund until May 13 and maybe that date will be extended.
Given the trillions of people who complain they can't get badges for Comic-Con, I assume any that get returned will be grabbed up by someone. Exhibitors may have a more difficult consideration. If you have a spot in the hall each year, you can keep it until you miss a year, at which point it becomes someone else's spot.
But we'll know a lot more about this sickness well before then. Until I see or read evidence that it is not the wisest approach, I intend to live my normal life but to do all those things I listed in the fourth paragraph in this posting. I expect there will be a Comic-Con International and I expect to be there. I may be dressed as Spider-Man but I'll be there.