Late Night Shows Return

Most of the late night shows are returning to the air with all-new shows, most (all?) of which will involve remotes from the hosts' homes and guests in their own homes, all connected over the Internet. Some of them have been broadcasting a combination of new segments from their hosts' homes and repeat material but it looks like they're going all-new and make more effort to approximate what they did in the studio.

Jimmy Fallon, Samantha Bee and The Daily Show came back this week. John Oliver resumes this Sunday, Colbert returns on Monday and Bill Maher comes back a week from today. No word yet on return dates for Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel or James Corden. Corden is hosting a benefit show in prime time on Monday with proceeds going to the CDC Foundation, a non-profit that supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's work, and Feed the Children.

If linking-in guests this way over the web works, it might not be completely abandoned once it's no longer a medical necessity. It's cheap and people in television like cheap. I'm also thinking that so many people in various industries are now working from home that we'll see a lot more of that after the coronavirus is history. In many businesses, someone is going to be saying, "I've been thinking…why do we need the huge, expensive office?"