Well, it seems that as of this moment, there are only three men who have a real shot at being the next President of the United States and Bernie Sanders' shot is not from the free-throw line but from way out in the parking lot. The other two, of course, are Joe Biden and the guy who just told us the virus is "something we have tremendous control of" when clearly we don't and he'd say that no matter what the true situation was.
We should remember that all three of these men are in the age bracket that's supposed to now stay home and self-isolate but instead, they're traveling about, appearing in public places, not staying six feet from people. The incumbent still seems to be shaking hands and he sure doesn't look or sound well. I'm not saying he has the CO-VID19 virus; just that he doesn't look or sound healthy. That could mean something for our future.
So could the health of Mr. Biden but barring some unforeseen factor other than racking up delegates, the Democratic ticket will be Joe plus a woman to be named later. It'll probably be one who'll bring some youth to the ticket (meaning she will be under seventy), possibly a non-white presence and certainly some solid liberal credentials.
Bernie Sanders has already succeeded in pushing Biden and their party to the left in many ways, particularly on health care…and health care may well be more important in this election than anything has ever been in any other election. A lot of folks who never particularly cared if other people got sick are now barricaded in their homes or waiting in three-hour Costco lines or just plain fearing for their lives because other people got sick.
Kevin Drum summarizes some of Biden's leftward drift here and this should appease most of the Sanders/Warren supporters and get them on board, especially if they consider the alternative. Our goal (I voted for Sanders, remember) should be to keep the House and flip the Senate.
Forget about some of the stupid-ass, wrong things Biden's done in the past. You've already forgotten about some of Bernie's. President Biden with a Democratic Congress will enact more of The Bernie Agenda than President Sanders could with a G.O.P. House or Senate. And a second-term Trump would dismantle health care, Social Security, the Bill of Rights, U.S. sovereignty. the election system, the Justice League of America, the infield fly rule, all businesses without his name on them…