Last July in reporting on that year's Comic-Con International in San Diego, I wrote…
The start of one of the panels I appeared on at Comic-Con was delayed so that a Congressional Aide — I'm sorry I didn't get her name — could present a citation to the con…The proclamation noting the fiftieth Comic-Con was signed by four of San Diego's five members of Congress. Only one of them is currently under criminal indictment and likely to be in prison by the fifty-first Comic-Con.
That (now former) member of Congress, Duncan Hunter, was just sentenced to eleven months in prison for breaking campaign finance laws. Mr. Hunter gained notoriety for using all the same excuses that Donald Trump uses when he gets caught doing something wrong: The news media is lying. I didn't know anything about it. It's not illegal. Democrats did worse. Etc.
Also, Hunter was one of the first two Congresspersons to endorse Trump for president, the other being Chris Collins, who was sentenced to 26 months in prison and who used all the same excuses.
So it looks like Hunter will indeed be behind bars by the fifty-first Comic-Con. I wish I could accurately predict just when the fifty-first Comic-Con will be.