It's Come To This…

I have no idea where the strip club in the above pic is located, nor will I be heading for it or any such business. But I saw the photo on the 'net, thought it was funny and captured it for your possible amusement. And before I posted it, I heard a great story that kinda goes with it.

A young lady who sometimes works in another such establishment — and who I hope for her sake is corona-free — called me last night to ask if I knew of any work she could do for money. She meant fully-clothed work. I didn't get clear if the strip joint she's been working in is closing or might close or if she has just decided that letting strange men touch your naked body is not the smartest way of earning money at this time.

Anyway, she needs a new source of income and I was sorry to tell her I knew of no such opportunities. I've had a few other calls like this from folks who work in other, more-covered professions.

She took it well and then said, "Oh, lemme tell you what happened the other night at the club!" Somewhere there, for the safety of customers and performers, they have (and have long had) this huge gallon container of Hand Sanitizer. It has a little pump on the top that pumps alcohol-infused aloe the way you can pump ketchup or mustard onto your burger at a Five Guys. As she told the story…

This customer is there for a while just looking, sitting there, not buying dances or anything, not even tipping anyone. Suddenly, he gets up and starts casually strolling for the exit. Then suddenly, he runs over, grabs the big container of Hand Sanitizer and runs for the door with it. One of the bouncers and a couple of dancers who were topless chased him out into the parking lot. The bouncer tackled him, grabbed the Hand Sanitizer back and told him he was banned from ever coming into the club again.

The guy didn't try to rob them of money. He wasn't interested in the nude women. But the gallon of Hand Sanitizer was just too, too tempting. Like I said up top, it's come to this…