Today's Election News

Kevin Drum, who's one of the more level-headed pundits I read, thinks Joe Biden is now unbeatable for the Democratic nomination…and that's before anyone knows how many delegates Bernie's going to get out of California, where he's expected to do well. Kevin thinks it's obvious. I dunno.

I do want to say that I like Mike Bloomberg more as a gracious conceder than I ever did as a candidate.

In the meantime, you're probably on the edge of your chair over the real important vote last night: Whether voters in San Diego would approve a measure that would raise the hotel tax to pay for a big expansion of their convention center, the place where Comic-Con International is held. The latest totals (which seem to be final) are saying the Yes votes were 63.6% and the No votes were 36.4%. The measure needed a two-thirds majority to pass so it came damned close but didn't make it.