Sitting here watching coverage of the verdict in the Harvey Weinstein case…or maybe I should say "the first Harvey Weinstein case." He's got sentencing, appeals, appeals of the appeals, the other charges in California, civil cases and many other courtroom visits ahead of him. Above and beyond whatever time he spends in cells, the guy may have a lifetime sentence as a prisoner of the legal system…and the ongoing, unceasing "fine" of paying legal fees. This is all probably a good thing.
Hearing the talk, my mind goes to two kinds of people. One is women I've known — actresses, mostly — who endured the kind of deeds for which Weinstein is now paying a price. In most cases with my friends, they were unsuccessful attempts at those deeds but they were still chilling and upsetting and injurious to the career of those who fought off a predator. I'm thinking of one lady in particular who was constantly propositioned, groped, flashed, chased around desks, fired or "not cast" because she refused to "play along." She's not here today to see the Weinsteins and Cosbys brought somewhere close to justice…but boy, would she have been happy.
And I'm also thinking of all the men who did these kind of things and got away with them…so far, at least. Some of them, maybe all of them have to be terrified, as they were when Cosby was led away in manacles. Most of 'em have to be cleaning up their acts and sweating about things they did back when powerful and/or wealthy men thought the rules could never apply to guys like them them. Making it clear that those rules do apply…well, that's a good thing too.