The Voice

My pal Jim Brochu has been mentioned many a time on this blog. He's mainly an actor and playwright these days but in his lifetime, he's done just about every job in show business apart from playing Mama Rose and topless dancing. Knowing Jim, he's probably at this very moment trying to figure out how to blend those two things before the next time I get to New York.

In the meantime, he sent me this which I quote with his permission…

I've enjoyed your featuring Lou Christie the last couple of days. In 1980, I produced a show at the Tropicana in Las Vegas which was a rock-and-roll show called "Let The Good Times Roll." The two headliners were Anthony and the Imperials, and Lou Christie.

We did fourteen shows a week and every night, Lou gave it his all. His voice was amazing. And to hear it up close was far more impressive than the records.  I am also happy to report that he was one of the nicest guys I ever worked with. Very accessible, very friendly and always 100% professional. He always had time for the fans afterwards and he and I spent early morning hours in the coffee shop together having a good laugh.

I'm very happy that he's still working and so happy that you're giving him these tributes.

Nice to hear he's a nice man — and I know Jim well enough to know he wouldn't say that if it wasn't true. I'm glad to send some attention to a guy who recorded some of my favorite songs of the sixties.

Mr. Christie's website doesn't say where he's appearing these days but if anyone hears of him appearing in Southern California — or I'd go as far as Vegas — please let me know. Here's my second-favorite hit of his…