Bernie's Vegas Victory

Bernie Sanders may indeed wind up the nominee of the Democratic Party but despite what some corners of the Internet are saying, that ain't happened yet.  And I say that as someone who's about 88% decided on marking my ballot for the guy in the California Primary.  But we're living in the era when everything in the news is clickbait.  All news is Breaking News.  All disputes are someone "eviscerating" someone else.  All election developments are so significant you dare not look away.  And all contests have to be decisive proof of a Bigger Victory…until the next contest.

Many backers of that guy I'm not mentioning this weekend have come to regard all news as bogus.  I tend to regard most of it as exaggerated.  The big victories probably aren't that big.  The crushing defeats probably aren't that crushing.  Just because I'm already sick of this primary ballot doesn't mean I'm ready to believe it's over before it really is.

It's the same thing with the pending verdict in the Harvey Weinstein trial in New York.  No one outside the jury room knows how the jury's leaning but as the late journalist Jack Germond said of his profession, "The trouble is we aren't paid to say 'I don't know' even when we don't know."  A lot of experts — some of whom are only experts because we're told they are — have predictions based on the jury's questions to the judge. Some of these predictions may turn out to be right but the only certainty is that some of them will certainly turn out to be wrong. I can wait for the real answer.