Recommended Reading

Lots of people warned that Trump's big tax cut would be a tremendous giveaway to rich people and would do nothing for the middle class. Kevin Drum looks at the numbers and concludes that Trump's big tax cut was a tremendous giveaway to rich people and did nothing for the middle class.

Harold Meyerson on why Democrats would be foolish to nominate Mike Bloomberg.

Emily Stewart on why Democrats would be foolish to not nominate Mike Bloomberg.

Daniel Larison on the essential cruelty of Trump's travel ban.

Have you read what's happened to the Boy Scouts of America?  In a nutshell, the cost of defending against sexual abuse lawsuits has driven the organization into bankruptcy.  And as with many institutions, it's revealed how much the leadership knew about the abusers and tried to protect its reputation by covering up.  I was never a scout but the guys I knew who were were pretty decent fellows who honestly felt they were helping to make the world a better, more humane place.  What a shame that the leaders let them down.