Recommended Reading (Maybe Tomorrow)

I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to think of Trumpian things today, especially if you're dining with relatives. But when you have the time/stomach, read Josh Marshall about the grimy dealings of "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani. All of this may be key to what happens to this country in the coming months and the irony is thicker than any gravy you'll pour onto your potatoes today.

Rudy has been going around pointing to the large fee that Joe Biden's son collected for some sort of "consulting job" in one country and saying it has to be dirty money. In the meantime, Donald Trump's lawyer (i.e., Rudy) has been collecting much larger fees from many companies in many countries for "consulting jobs" that seem even dirtier.

And as I read it, the "we don't care what he's done" pass that Trump supporters give Trump doesn't extend to his attorneys. Matter of fact, the rumblings I'm seeing suggest that they're mad at Rudy for betraying their beloved Donald and getting him into this impeachment thing. Giuliani may have achieved the impossible: Trump supporters and Trump detractors all calling for his scalp at the same time.

If you think there are some absurd photos around of the ex-Mayor/ex-Saint looking shocked and horrified, wait'll you see the ones that are coming.