Your Daily Trump Dump

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
…and there's plenty of it, starting with Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the EU, flipping his previous testimony to say that, by golly, he suddenly remembers that there was a clear quid pro quo in the Ukraine deal. It's getting harder and harder for Trump and his supporters to deny, though they'll find a way. You also have reporters and others diving into the newly-released testimony in the impeachment probe and to top it all off…election results! Trump campaigned hard for Matt Bevin, the Repub governor of Kentucky and even beseeched the crowd, "You can't let it [Bevin's defeat] happen to me!" They did and meanwhile, Democrats now control both the House and Senate in Virginia.

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
We don't know for sure Trump's behind it but an awful lot of Republicans are suddenly demanding that everyone ignore a certain law.  It's the one that protects the anonymity of whistleblowers like the one who blew the whistle on The Great Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo.  You know…that unfair law written by Republicans and passed with Republican votes.  They don't like their own handiwork when the whistle that's blown is blown for thee…