Your Daily Trump Dump

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
I guess the worst news is that the impeachment inquiry will become more of a formal thing with a vote on Thursday. One must assume that if Nancy Pelosi is putting it to a vote, she knows she has the votes to pass it. But the worst news for Trump could also be the testimony of Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council staffer and a US Army lieutenant colonel. Vindman was on the line for the two phone calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and says he heard Trump demand that Ukraine investigate the Bidens. How many people now have corroborated the Whistleblower's charges? Also, Vindman says the transcript left out a lot of damaging things that were said. ("What? It could be even worse?")

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
The racist sliming of Colonel Vindman is pretty bad but we don't know how much of that was at the dictation by Trump. The continued bragging and fact-distortion of the raid that "got" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is outrageous, especially the stuff Trump says that the generals say didn't happen. But I'm going to go with the decision to admit no more refugees into the country for a while, leaving many stranded without a place to go. So many to choose from.